A Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Pilot Program
Y-Heart is a blood pressure self-monitoring program at the YMCA of Metro North, debuting in 2019. The American Heart Association has determined that 46% of adult Americans have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease, heart attack and stroke. The purpose of this program is to make participants accountable for their own health by teaching them how to take their own blood pressure, record it, and track it over time. Evidence shows that programs that empower participants to take ownership of their cardiovascular health improves outcomes in hypertension management, physical activity and weight reduction.
Y-Heart will launch in February, heart health month, with seminars at each of our 4 program branches. The program continues for 12 weeks at the Melrose Family YMCA and Torigian Family YMCA. Each branch will have weekly “office hours” for participants to have their blood pressure checked and recorded. They will also have opportunities to attend further seminars at different branches throughout the duration of the program addressing diet, activity and managing stress in order to improve their hypertension. And while they are at the Y, they will be encouraged to attend a class, use the Fitness Center, shoot around in the gym or go for a swim. After 6 weeks of checking blood pressure, participants will be eligible to bring a monitor home with them, with instructions to check and record their blood pressure on a regular basis. Records are for their information only, to be shared with their primary care practitioner if desired.
Pilot Program Launches:
Melrose Family YMCA: March 4th
Torigian Family YMCA: April 1st
Melrose YMCA Y-Heart Office Hours:
- Mondays, 5:00 – 7:00pm w/Jeff
- Tuesdays, 8:00 – 9:00am w/Lisa
- Tuesdays, 11:30am – 1:30pm w/Pamela
- Saturdays, 10:30am – 12:00pm w/Jeff
Questions? Please contact Health & Wellness Director, Bernadette Farrell, at bfarrell@metronorthymca.org.