Evidence Based Health Interventions

The YMCA of Metro North provides evidence based health intervention programs under the guidance of Y USA or in partnership with local health care providers.


Cardiac Rehab Maintenance at the Melrose Family YMCA is a self-monitored exercise program designed for the graduates of the Cardiac Rehabilitation program at MelroseWakefield Healthcare.  The clinicians of the medically-monitored program recommend continued exercise following the completion of rehab.  Our program features a casual class with a format similar to rehab, led by Melrose Family YMCA staff.  Evidence shows that members have better outcomes than non-members, so membership is recommended.  In addition, there are cost savings for participants who exercise every week, with no additional cost for attending multiple classes, and access to all other features of our membership.  First time participants are required to bring proof of completion of rehab or medical clearance in order to register.  Registration is required each session.


Enhance®Fitness is geared toward older adults of all fitness levels. People with chronic conditions, such as arthritis, may gain strength, and with it, independence. Participants feel energized physically, mentally and socially- and be surrounded by people who care about their success. Enhance®Fitness has been nationally recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department of Health and Human Services, US Administration on Aging and the National Council on Aging.  Research has shown that among older adults who participate in EnhanceFitness, health costs were lowered by close to $1,000 and 9 out of 10 people stay with the program.


The YMCA of Metro North is proud to offer the LIVESTRONG program in our Torigian Family YMCAMelrose Family YMCA, and Saugus Family YMCA locations. LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is a wellness program designed to help adult cancer survivors reclaim their health and well-being following a cancer diagnosis. Our Torigian, Melrose and Saugus Family YMCA’s create a welcoming community in which survivors can improve their strength and physical fitness, diminish the severity of therapy side effects, develop supportive relationships, and improve their quality of life.


An exercise program in partnership with Pediatric Health Care Associates.  Please contact Bernadette Farrell at bfarrell@metronorthymca.org with questions.

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