It is with deep gratitude that we recognize and acknowledge these visionary leaders for their continued support of the Y’s mission, programs and services across our communities. Together, we are committed to giving young people the resources to reach their potential, providing individuals with the access and support to lead healthy lives and connecting neighbors so they can come together for the common good.
This new facility will impact generations of families in our community. Please consider becoming one of the contributing partners making the new Lynn YMCA project possible.
Become a Capital DonorSupport the New Lynn YMCA
With Special Thanks To:
$1,000,000 and above
Demakes Family Foundation
Gerondelis Foundation
Hendrickson Foundation
Rose-Marie & Eijk Van Otterloo
Mosakowski Family Foundation
Ruby W. & LaVon P. Linn Foundation
Amelia Peabody Charitable Foundation
Arthur Pappathanasi
Dandreo Bros General Contracting
Eastern Bank Foundation
The Lynch Foundation
George Alden Trust
Greater Lynn Senior Services
Robert Irvine & Sons
Mark Klaman
Nicholas Mennino
People’s United Bank Foundation
Colcord Family Fund
George Dhionis
Gordon Hall
David Parker & Janet Tiampo
Robert Shapiro
James & Diane Stilian
Joel & Mary Abramson
Columbia Insurance Agency
Susan & John Kane (Elmwood Trust)
Ethel Leonard
Bruce & Diane Macdonald
Gil & Linda Macdonald
North Shore Bank
Saul & Sally Pannell
Paradise Construction
Peter C. Pedro Jr.
David Quade
David Solimine
The Walsh Family
The Bigbird Fund c/o Linda & Bill McQuillan
Elizabeth Blodgett-Smith
Cynthia & Thomas Costin
Devereaux Charitable Foundation
John’s Oil Co.
Joseph Scianatico
Michael & Barbara Schaefer
Arthur Schwartz