The YMCA of Metro North is teaming up with Stop and Shop to offer our members FREE nutrition seminars this Fall. Register for the Stop and Shop Nutrition Partners live webinar series. Get nutrition advice and tips right from your laptop or mobile device or at the YMCA where indicated. Attend and be entered to win our raffle for one month of membership free.
Meal Planning 101
Tuesday, September 21 | 4:00 p.m. |Online + In-Person | Demakes Family YMCA
Whether you’re cooking for one or two or trying to feed a family of four or more, this webinar takes the stress out of meal planning. From pantry staples to creative recipes, we’ll inspire you to eat well at home. Register Today.
Nutrition 101: Weight Management
Thursday, September 30 | 5:45 p.m. | Online + In-Person| Melrose Family YMCA
Join us online or at the Melrose Family YMCA. Looking to create healthier eating habits, but not sure where to start? Join a Stop & Shop Nutrition Partners Registered Dietitian to learn the basics of building a healthy eating pattern and adding exercise to your day. Learn tips about portion sizes and how to stick to your own personal goals for success.
Register Today.
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Tuesday, October 14 | 10:00 a.m. |Online + In-Person| Torigian Family YMCA
Trying to figure out how to stick to a budget while also sticking to your health goals? This webinar will show you that healthy eating can be affordable. Learn six small steps you can take to start saving today. Register Today.
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Tuesday, October 21 | 6:00 p.m. | Online + In-Person| Torigian Family YMCA
Trying to figure out how to stick to a budget while also sticking to your health goals? This webinar will show you that healthy eating can be affordable. Learn six small steps you can take to start saving today. Register Today.
Immunity by the Aisles
Tuesday, November 2 | 4:00 p.m. |Online + In-Person | Demakes Family YMCA
Did you know that the food you eat can have an impact on your immune system? Learn which vitamins and minerals help support the immune system so you can help keep your family feeling healthy all year long.
Healthy Holiday Cooking
Tuesday, December 7 | 6:30 p.m. | In-Person| Demakes Family YMCA
Join us at the Demakes Family YMCA Healthy Kitchen for this holiday treat. Learn tips and techniques on how to cook healthy over the holidays. The NutritionPartners at Stop and Shop will show you how with this holiday cooking demonstration.