What’s the key to living a long, healthy life? 91-year-old Melrose resident, Stan Krigman, believes the answer can be summed up in one quick phrase: “have a goal”. In his nineties, Stan continues to push his physical limits and set new goals for himself each year. He kicked off 2021 by signing up for personal training at the Melrose YMCA in the hopes of building strength to improve his golf game by Spring, but what he found at the Y is so much more.
“My goal is to play golf better than anyone I can play with. Everyone is younger than me, the world is younger than me,” explains Stan, “I want to be in a position to beat these guys in their 50s and 60s from the regular tees.”
In pursuit of accomplishing his golf goals, Stan began working with 25-year-old Josh Brown, at the Melrose YMCA 3x a week at the beginning of this year. “What I like about training with Josh is that he challenges me, but he also respects me,” Stan explains. “If he thinks I can lift more or do another set he will push me, but he never makes me feel uncomfortable or weak.”
There is a mutual respect present as Josh walks Stan through each exercise explaining not only the movements, but the science behind them, and how they’ll help to improve Stan’s golf game, and overall health, long-term. In times of social-distancing and isolation for seniors, it is clear that strength training is not the only benefit that Stan is reaping from his sessions with Josh. The two share a friendly banter throughout their workouts about everything from what they had a for lunch, to how much weight they can lift.
Following safety protocols are of the utmost importance during Stan’s sessions with Josh. Sanitation measures like wiping down equipment, wearing masks, and physically distancing are practiced throughout the personalized training sessions. “I’m very comfortable coming here, I think you guys do everything to keep the place clean and safe,” says Stan, ”It’s like I say: it’s a walk in the park.”
From building strength physically, to developing meaningful relationships, the Y provides a safe space for people of all ages and backgrounds to come together to set and reach their unique goals. Stan sums up this sentiment by reminding us, “you can do anything you want to if you really believe that you can do it.” If there is a goal you have set out to achieve, the Y is here to help.