Vacation Programs
Spend April Vacation Week at the YMCA of Metro North!

Gymnastics (Gymnastics Center)
Age: 4-12 years
Flip, twist, turn and cartwheel your day away while learning level appropriate gymnastics skills on each of the Olympic Events. Your gymnast will also utilize our tumble track, foam pit, obstacle and drill stations to further their confidence in themselves and their gymnastics! Team building games and an arts and craft project will also be done on a daily basis.
Adventure Warrior (Gymnastics Center)
Age: 6-12 years
Your Adventure Warrior will learn to master our warrior obstacle system, conquer a variety of obstacle challenges, climb our cargo net and maneuver across our traverse wall! Your child will also utilize our tumble trak and foam pit, play a variety of team building games and complete and arts and craft project.
Monday, April 17 (Gymnastics)
Tuesday, April 18 (Gymnastics)
Wednesday, April 19 (Gymnastics and Adventure Warrior)
Thursday, April 20 (Gymnastics)
Friday, April 21 (Gymnastics and Adventure Warrior)
Daily program registration available.
Program Times:
*Daily registration available for all program dates.
Participants will begin with an hour of ball handling, shooting, and in game scenarios with Coach Alex. The second hour will be spent with certified personal trainer Josh Brown getting introduced to proper weightlifting techniques and nutrition tips to become successful athletes. Please bring a snack and water bottle for a quick break between sessions.
Ages 6 -12 – 1:00PM – 3:30PM
Tuesday thru Friday
Join YMCA Personal Trainer and amateur bodybuilder Josh Brown as he teaches young members how train properly. We will discuss pre- and post-workout nutrition/hydration, setting appropriate goals and the ins and outs of planning a routine. This program includes 20 minutes of discussion each day followed by 70 minutes of actual in gym training. Each participant will go home with an individualized workout routine after the program.
Ages 11-17
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Enroll Now
Health and Wellness Programs
Youth Fit Camp
Looking for an activity for you 8-13 year olds this April Vacation? Check out the Y’s Youth Fit Camp! Drop your child off for a morning of walking in nature, boot camps and more! Justin and the staff will have your kids loving all things fitness. Children should come dressed in layers to workout both inside and outside and bring a snack and water bottle.
Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Ages 8-10 and 11-13
Two & four day options available
Aquatics Programs
Dives, Flips, & Turns
This class will spend time helping kids learn and perfect their flip turns, dives, and competitive turns. Swimmers must be able to comfortably swim 25 yards.
Tuesday and Thursday 5:15pm – 6:00pm
Ages 7-13
Butterfly Clinic
Come work on the hardest way to swim! Learn, improve, and perfect butterfly stroke utilizing drills and different types of equipment. Swimmers must be able to comfortably swim 25 yards.
Tuesday 4:15pm – 5:00pm
Ages 7-13
Breaststroke Clinic
Spend 45 minutes working on technique and learning Breaststroke! Swimmers must be able to comfortably swim 25 yards.
Thursday 4:15pm – 5:00pm
Ages 7-13
Competitive Conditioning
Work with one of our coaches to improve conditioning and work on the competitive strokes. Swimmers must be able to swim 50 yards without stopping.
Monday and Wednesday 4:15pm – 5:00pm
Ages 6-13
Sports Programs
Basketball Clinic
Spend 25 minutes doing basketball skills and drills followed by a 20 minute game.
- Ages 5-8: Monday, 3:00pm – 3:45pm
- Ages 5-8: Wednesday, 3:00pm – 3:45pm
- Ages 9-12: Monday, 4:00pm – 4:45pm
- Ages 9-12: Wednesday, 4:00pm – 4:45pm
Soccer Clinic
Spend 25 minutes doing Soccer skills and drills followed by a 20 minute game.
- Ages 5-8: Tuesday, 3:00pm – 3:45pm
- Ages 9-12: Thursday, 3:00pm – 3:45pm