November traditionally kicks off the holiday season across the nation, but for so many men and their families, November is another month of battling health problems such as testicular cancer, prostate cancer and mental illness. Women across the globe live longer than men. In our nation the average woman lives 5 years longer than the average man. There are a myriad of reasons for this 5 year gap. Suicide is one of them. 75% of suicides in the US are men. Another is cancer. In the US testicular cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in young men. While the survival rate of testicular cancer is high at 95% the long-term treatment related side effects often severely compromises quality of life for many men. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men in the US. Early detection is key. If detected early survival rates are 95% beyond 5 years. If detected late survival rates are 26% beyond 5 years.
It is for those reasons that in November the YMCA of Metro North is going to show support for those struggling with these health issues while remembering those who we have lost to these struggles. Please consider helping us in either of the following ways throughout November.
- Honor a male loved one who is battling or has battled with cancer or mental Illness by dedicating a “moustache in their name” to be hung around the Welcome Center the entire month of November.
- Grow and proudly wear a moustache. By doing so we show that while we may or may not have gone through your specific struggles we recognize that they exist for so many and are here to support you. We are inviting all YMCA staff and Members who feel comfortable growing or at least “trying to grow” a moustache, to do so. If a moustahce isn’t your thing not a problem, you can still participate by encouraging others and help spread the message.
Why the moustache? Plain and simple…it truly is such a “guy thing” and in today’s world it isn’t as common as it once was. It not only is a symbol but also a conversation starter. That conversation can be focused on spreading awareness of health issues facing men today.