We Need Your Support Now More Than Ever
Thank you to all the YMCA of Metro North members and supporters who donated, volunteered, and who agreed to sustain their membership with us during this unprecedented interruption in our daily health and family routines. Your generosity has enabled us to provide essential nutrition and child care services to community members who need us most. You also helped us keep staff working to inform and engage our members and to deep clean our fitness centers, pools, saunas, locker rooms, and floors so our facilities will be more than ready for all of us to enjoy when we return.
Join our sustaining members and support the Y.
We know we will open our doors again soon. If you have not yet placed your membership on hold, we ask you to consider retaining and paying for your membership, as we pivot temporarily to providing emergency child care, food to needy families, and virtual health experiences to our members. We are also asking individuals in our communities who are not members to become members. And, for those that can, to donate to our Community Fund to help supplement emergency child care services and provide Y Academy learning and enrichment opportunities for these children.
Donate to the Community Emergency Fund
Of course, we understand not everyone is in a position to make this choice. If you are someone who can no longer afford your membership, we ask you to reach out to us through this link and place your membership on hold. We respectfully request that you not cancel your membership, but instead place it on hold. There is no financial difference between the two options, both will defer your payments to the Y; however, placing a hold on your membership signals that you still value the Y and that support matters to us. We are working very hard to be an organization that steps up, and we need to know we are not alone. Please stay with us.
Learn About Membership Choices
It’s been a short time, since the Governor ordered this closure, but for many of our neighbors it has been one of the most difficult weeks in memory.
We received dozens of requests to maintain our healthy meals programs and provide child care for front line health care workers and “essential” worker families.
In response, we delivered food to needy families and set up food distribution in Lynn with the capacity to serve 200 meals every day. Child care in Lynn, Melrose, and Peabody will become a drop-in center serving front line families. Our staff reached out to our senior members to check in on their well-being and set up a hotline for them to call in to our association. Because of your generosity and continued support, the YMCA of Metro North was able to play a vital role in the response to this public health crisis.
You have stayed with us and we are sticking with you, too.
We haven’t forgotten the reason many of you love coming to the Y. I am happy to announce a new, online class initiative Studio Y Virtual Classes. Your favorite YMCA instructors have developed a series of classes to keep you active and healthy with others in the YMCA community. Classes include Chair Yoga with Stacy, Zumba with Chris, L1ft with Angela, Tabata with Kathleen and that is just the first week! If you can’t join the group class, we will also post fitness videos for you to use on demand. Sign up today to get the weekly schedule.
As always, stay healthy, stay positive, we’ll get through this together.
Thank you,
Kathleen Walsh,
President and CEO